In 2017, NASA Langley Research Center located in Hampton, Virginia, is celebrating 100 years of excellence in aerospace achievements,
discoveries and technological breakthroughs.
We invite you to join us as
partners in celebrating our rich history along with those yet to come.

We are engaging our partners in academia, industry, across the Hampton Roads community and even nationally, to become a partner in several exciting events listed below, including a gala and even an Open House which will allow the public to visit and tour NASA Langley Research Center. Your company can play an important role in our Centennial while also broadly promoting your products and services. Currently, the NASA Langley community consists of a workforce of approximately 4,000 employees and contractors, and when you include their  families you have the potential to reach a target market of over 12,000 people across Hampton Roads. Additionally, those events open to the public providing much broader Hampton Roads area exposure.

The Exchange is presenting the following events.

Click an event below to learn more!

Internal Events

Open to the Public Events

Aerial photos of NASA Langley employees gathered on the back ramp in the shape of 100.Aerial photos of NASA Langley employees gathered on the back ramp in the shape of 100.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!


Click Here for additional Centennial information.